Hey guys I was a Premier Martial Arts school, PMA. Greg Silva the President of PMA and United Professionals is suing at least one of his former schools.

I read the post at http://www.pmaschool.uswhat I read does not surprise me at all.

PMA charges there members a whopping $1,000 dollars each month to be one of there schools and gives the owner the use of there logo, name and curriculum.

I quit because I will not pay for this. It was implied that they would be working very close with all there PMA schools to better there over all success.
This was not my experience at all. I ended up with a bunch of green logos and a drained bank account. The service I personally received from the company’s VP Barry VanOver was nothing less than condescending.

I thought that it was just me but know I have seen several others that have had the same issues with Greg Silva and his Premier Martial Arts.

Anyone else have any issues?

Rampage Man