I think that it is a good idea to help the people that were born with disabilities.Not all of us were blessed at birth with a high enough opinion of ourselves to be able to refer to ourselves as a God.
People with mental retardation although they may look differant from us still have the same wants and needs that make us all human beings. So I think that they should be allowed to participate in martial arts training too.
We should spend time with those less fortunate than ourselves as I feel it is our christian duty.
But anyone that is too vain and self absorbed should feel free to speak up and show how selfish they are. Those that compare themselves to God especially.
And to those that have tourette syndrome attributed to too much kowtowing and say "douche"all the time this is a real important topic.
People with mental retardation although they may look differant from us still have the same wants and needs that make us all human beings. So I think that they should be allowed to participate in martial arts training too.
We should spend time with those less fortunate than ourselves as I feel it is our christian duty.
But anyone that is too vain and self absorbed should feel free to speak up and show how selfish they are. Those that compare themselves to God especially.
And to those that have tourette syndrome attributed to too much kowtowing and say "douche"all the time this is a real important topic.