Another strike by ASHTANGA05:
On Tackett's JKD Wednesday Night forum he recently posed strategic question and appeared as the nice guy at first, only to have its members have their words twisted later. A thing which is really beyond the borderline within his well-known dirty tactic to issue aggressively faked challenges, was to transfer an e-mail of his opponent to the teacher of this person in which he added things on this e-mail to the teacher, in which it would make the other look like he doubted his teacher's methods and his training times ! Additonally, he even contacted Rickson Gracie and Don "The Dragon" Wilson, invented rumors that his opponent has claimed to have challenged them ! You can read about it here:,,,
However, I can't help but some thoughts came to my mind...
You know, I somehow have a sympathy for this Ashtanga-guy. It's obvious he admires Bruce Lee for already a long time, which is nothing wrong. On the contrary - my sympathy for Bruce goes back being a 13 year old teen.
If he was a private student of Emin for three years within the EWTO and not one of his own instructors, there's a chance he was primarily a dummy and sparring partner for a lot of bucks, while aiming at the very basics of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do. There's also a good chance he attended classes of a British JKD Concepts school (probably Rick Young's and / or the Krauses). All of this without ever getting what he was so hardly striving for - a skill level close to Bruce Lee's (an equal one can't possibly exist in his mind).
So, after having spent a hell of bucks and time he realized he has just become another medicore and meaningless martial artist never achieving a skill level or honors close to his beloved idol's.
Eventually he became disappointed by all of his former teachers for that they could lead him nowhere near to become a honorable representative of his idol's legacy, even by the Inosanto Concepts lineage which you can clearly see by his postings on this forum (Deluxe Martial Arts, JKD section).
So, what has been left after years of what he felt like being wasted time and money, after his dream - to lead an honorable existance as a teacher of the full spectrum of true Wing Chun and JKD, (as well as Ashtanga Yoga,
) maybe providing willing and grateful students with valuable means of self-defence and self-actualization - has been broken? - A shadow existence as a cyber ghost, haunting forums in a desperate and paranoid virtual battle for his idol's legacy against its alleged or real free-riders.
I would still give some credit to this guy - if there was a Nobel Peace Prize in JKD I would award him with it.
First of all he never fights, he neither creates any real physical harm, nor does he represent any real threat to anybody - no FISTS OF FURY, no BLOOD AND STEEL, no GAME OF DEATH at all. Secondly, only he manages it to unite different JKD camps / groups within the internet, at least for a peaceful co-existence, by bringing up feelings of solidarity. He even lets people talk peacefully again who were at odds with each other by forum flamewars.
I wonder if he becomes someday the credits for this to the point that this is going to be celebrated.
We could inititate a meeting with him as THE BIG BOSS sitting on a golden throne as a symbol for his armchair approach to JKD, surrounded by his chosen victims and opponents. The session will be started by him throwing the latest gossip and rumors into the room, then railing, ranting and swearing at all participants in his well-known and hopeless egocentric monologue. Whenever they try to reply, they have their words twisted hopelessly. After a while he will invite everyone to a group session of Asthanga Yoga to cool himself down. After he has finished this successfully there will be a tea ceremony like in a traditional CHINESE (Gung Fu) CONNECTION, by which the insiders ask him forgiveness for their very activities. Finally the group will award him with an alternative to a Nobel Peace Price, a JKD certificate with a mirror (you know, like in THE SILENT FLUTE / Circle of Iron, USA, 1978) and all of his alter egos printed on it - Ashtanga, Basil, Eshal, JKDMaestro, SammyD. (The German rapper), ReekievonNinjaKeekie, etc.
If he has then entered a moment of enlightenment ( I give him a chance for that), the group will accompany him to Taco Bell for having a farewell dinner.
Ash can then think about to fit into the eternal buddhistic circuit of things by repeating all of this, or doing something which a forum user once has advised him to do - to go into the mountains, having Yoga sessions, drinking his own urine, and becoming one with the universe...
As he couldn't ENTER THE WAY OF THE DRAGON, he can maybe enter Nirwana...and hopefully stay there for his own good, saving him from a further career as the well-known laughing stock of every single JKD forum.
End of story.
On Tackett's JKD Wednesday Night forum he recently posed strategic question and appeared as the nice guy at first, only to have its members have their words twisted later. A thing which is really beyond the borderline within his well-known dirty tactic to issue aggressively faked challenges, was to transfer an e-mail of his opponent to the teacher of this person in which he added things on this e-mail to the teacher, in which it would make the other look like he doubted his teacher's methods and his training times ! Additonally, he even contacted Rickson Gracie and Don "The Dragon" Wilson, invented rumors that his opponent has claimed to have challenged them ! You can read about it here:,,,
However, I can't help but some thoughts came to my mind...
You know, I somehow have a sympathy for this Ashtanga-guy. It's obvious he admires Bruce Lee for already a long time, which is nothing wrong. On the contrary - my sympathy for Bruce goes back being a 13 year old teen.
If he was a private student of Emin for three years within the EWTO and not one of his own instructors, there's a chance he was primarily a dummy and sparring partner for a lot of bucks, while aiming at the very basics of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do. There's also a good chance he attended classes of a British JKD Concepts school (probably Rick Young's and / or the Krauses). All of this without ever getting what he was so hardly striving for - a skill level close to Bruce Lee's (an equal one can't possibly exist in his mind).
So, after having spent a hell of bucks and time he realized he has just become another medicore and meaningless martial artist never achieving a skill level or honors close to his beloved idol's.
Eventually he became disappointed by all of his former teachers for that they could lead him nowhere near to become a honorable representative of his idol's legacy, even by the Inosanto Concepts lineage which you can clearly see by his postings on this forum (Deluxe Martial Arts, JKD section).
So, what has been left after years of what he felt like being wasted time and money, after his dream - to lead an honorable existance as a teacher of the full spectrum of true Wing Chun and JKD, (as well as Ashtanga Yoga,

I would still give some credit to this guy - if there was a Nobel Peace Prize in JKD I would award him with it.
First of all he never fights, he neither creates any real physical harm, nor does he represent any real threat to anybody - no FISTS OF FURY, no BLOOD AND STEEL, no GAME OF DEATH at all. Secondly, only he manages it to unite different JKD camps / groups within the internet, at least for a peaceful co-existence, by bringing up feelings of solidarity. He even lets people talk peacefully again who were at odds with each other by forum flamewars.
I wonder if he becomes someday the credits for this to the point that this is going to be celebrated.
We could inititate a meeting with him as THE BIG BOSS sitting on a golden throne as a symbol for his armchair approach to JKD, surrounded by his chosen victims and opponents. The session will be started by him throwing the latest gossip and rumors into the room, then railing, ranting and swearing at all participants in his well-known and hopeless egocentric monologue. Whenever they try to reply, they have their words twisted hopelessly. After a while he will invite everyone to a group session of Asthanga Yoga to cool himself down. After he has finished this successfully there will be a tea ceremony like in a traditional CHINESE (Gung Fu) CONNECTION, by which the insiders ask him forgiveness for their very activities. Finally the group will award him with an alternative to a Nobel Peace Price, a JKD certificate with a mirror (you know, like in THE SILENT FLUTE / Circle of Iron, USA, 1978) and all of his alter egos printed on it - Ashtanga, Basil, Eshal, JKDMaestro, SammyD. (The German rapper), ReekievonNinjaKeekie, etc.
If he has then entered a moment of enlightenment ( I give him a chance for that), the group will accompany him to Taco Bell for having a farewell dinner.
Ash can then think about to fit into the eternal buddhistic circuit of things by repeating all of this, or doing something which a forum user once has advised him to do - to go into the mountains, having Yoga sessions, drinking his own urine, and becoming one with the universe...
As he couldn't ENTER THE WAY OF THE DRAGON, he can maybe enter Nirwana...and hopefully stay there for his own good, saving him from a further career as the well-known laughing stock of every single JKD forum.
End of story.